fall colors in copper basin jarbidge nevada

Finding Fall Colors in Northern Nevada

当你把广阔的开放空间和令人惊叹的秋叶结合在一起时,你会得到什么? There’s no punchline, 白银之州有各种各样的颜色供赏叶者观赏,这可不是开玩笑. In fact, fall in the Great Basin just might surprise you. 探索内华达州北部一些最壮观的地方,沉浸在秋天的色彩中.

Oxbow Nature Study Area


这片安静地隐藏在里诺市中心附近的河岸荒野是你沿着特拉基河度过尽可能多的时间的绝佳方式. Within minutes, 你将从城市环境被运送到一个22英亩的保护区,以草原为特色, cottonwood and willow trees, and all kinds of wildlife.

Time your visit to Oxbow Nature Study Area to capture great fall color photos, plus enjoy miles of trails, tables, benches, and limited wheelchair access. 一个平台可以俯瞰保护区,所以爬上去,你可能会看到一两只鹰.

P.S. Oxbow Nature Study Area is at the end of Dickerson Road这是一个兼收并蓄的商业区,以艺术家、独特的服装店和餐馆为特色.

Water Canyon Recreation Area


About 2.5 hours east of Reno on Interstate 80, you’ll find Water Canyon Recreation Area. Rising almost 2,000 above Winnemucca, 这是一个让自己被美丽的秋色包围的好地方. Water Canyon also offers plentiful opportunities for camping, hiking, biking, and even limited ATV use. 地面上有火坑、烤架、野餐桌,甚至还有一些有盖的庇护所.

在你所有的秋季乐趣之前或之后,吃一份当地最受欢迎的石头烤披萨或馅饼来补充能量 Winnemucca Pizzeria. Save room for the Cookie Monster dessert!

Lamoille Canyon


由冰川雕刻而成的红宝石山,也被称为内华达州的瑞士阿尔卑斯山 Lamoille Canyon Scenic Byway. The paved road is just 12 miles long, 但这可能需要一段时间,因为你每隔几百英尺就要停下来拍一些令人难以置信的照片. 路的尽头是一个停车场,里面有卫生间、野餐桌、小径和令人惊叹的景色. 

红宝石山脉的南端是哈里森山口(Harrison Pass),从那里可以到达红宝石谷(Ruby Valley). We can’t recommend this drive enough, as you’ll be rewarded with not only golden colors, but reds and oranges as well.

Travel Nevada Pro Tip

人行道可能在拉莫维尔峡谷风景小道的顶部结束,但它是开始 Ruby Crest Trail. 这条穿过红宝石山脉的43英里小径在秋天尤其令人惊叹, and even a short hike is sure to reveal fall colors.

Copper Basin


For a little adventure along with your leafing, 沿着未铺砌的查尔斯顿-贾比奇路行驶50英里,到达美丽的伦敦 Jarbidge, near the Idaho border. 当你来到铜盆,在它所有的秋天的颜色爆炸,我们敢你不停止. 一层层的山脉一望无际,数百英亩的白杨树摇摇欲坠,高得令人发笑, 形状完美的亚高山冷杉在它们中间突出——是值得体验的.

Once fully sated on fantastic foliage, 小心翼翼地沿着超过15%的等级进入贾比奇. Easily the most isolated town in the Silver State, 这里大约有12名常年居民经营着两家沙龙, a restaurant, trading post, gas pump, and post office. With 113,000 acres in the Jarbidge Wilderness Area, this is an outdoor lover’s dream.

Travel Nevada Pro Tip

通往雅比奇的道路每年年初就会下雪,一直持续到夏末, 所以,在开始你的旅行之前,先向户外旅馆(775)488-2311查询一下它是否还营业.

Great Basin National Park


Found along the eastern edge of the Silver State, Great Basin remains one of the least visited national parks in America. 不要犯错过这个遥远目的地的错误, though, 因为在秋天的几个月里,树叶简直是在这个世界上. 计划一下你的游览吧,这里有高山湖泊, bristlecone pines, and a mighty impressive cave system -在九月或十月初(在雪回来之前)体验秋天的色彩爆炸与活力.

On your way to or from Baker, make a pit stop in Ely to drive the Success Loop. 这条路线在一年中的任何时候都是一条令人惊叹的路线,但在秋天才真正引人注目. 几乎不可能拍出山杨万花筒般生机勃勃的照片.

告诉我们你最喜欢的地方在银州看到秋天的颜色! 标签#世界杯下注网站,这样我们就可以对你偷窥的所有树叶啧啧惊叹——甚至可以要求分享你的快照……